Caregivers assist with safe, comfortable bathing and hygiene.
"Caregivers assist with bathing, ensuring safety and comfort, including sponge baths, soaping, rinsing, and drying."
Caregivers assist with dressing and using braces or prosthetics.
"Caregivers assist with dressing, undressing, and using devices like braces, splints, elastic stockings, or prosthetics."
Caregivers assist with toileting, cleaning, clothing, bedpans, and commodes.
"Caregivers assist with toileting, cleaning, managing clothing, bedpans, and emptying commodes for client comfort."
Caregivers assist with transfers, repositioning, circulation, and vehicle entry/exit for clients.
"Caregivers assist with transferring clients between positions, promoting circulation, preventing skin breakdown, and vehicle transfers."
Medication Reminders
Caregivers remind, organize, monitor medications, and assist with ordering and pickup.
Medication Reminders
"Caregivers remind, organize, and monitor medication intake, as well as order, pick up, and prepare medications."
Walking & Mobility
Caregivers assist with dressing and using braces or prosthetics.
Walking & Mobility
"Caregivers assist with dressing, undressing, and using devices like braces, splints, elastic stockings, or prosthetics."
Caregivers assist with errands, appointments, outings, and transportation for client connection.
"Caregivers assist with errands, appointments, family functions, outings, and transportation to keep clients connected and active."
Homemaker Services
Caregivers assist with cleaning, laundry, shopping, and organizing household tasks.
Homemaker Services
"Caregivers assist with household tasks including cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, and organizing the home and kitchen."
Quality Home Care
We Provide Quality Home Care & Private Nursing
Divine Angels Home Care has applied our astute observation skills to employing caregivers to be part of the team. We value caregivers who are able to take on multiple roles, who can form a strong relationship with our clients, and that share our values.
The values of our company ultimately enable caregivers to connect with our clients and build strong relationships with them.
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Our Job Is The Safety of You, Through A Compassionate Approach.
Our Job Is The Safety of You, Through A Compassionate Approach.